For several years, we’ve thought of the Boulder International Film Festival as a circus. Now, we’ve got The Tent to prove it!
Ladies and gentlemen, and children of all ages, we welcome you to The Tent, a central gathering place for all kinds of BIFF activities. It will be located conveniently at 14th and Pearl Streets on the Mall, and will be this year’s site of our round-the-clock Info Booth, as well as a place for post-film discussions, networking, kibitzing, and just plain chewing the fat.
Most importantly, it will house groups associated with all our Call 2 Action films. Here you will be able to meet with people from organizations such as the Boulder County AIDS Project, Goodwill Industries of Denver, the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, Ecocycle, the WILD Foundation, Boulder Reads! and the Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center. These entities, representatives of which will be at the screenings of films that touch on their topics of activism, will be present at The Tent as well and can help you effect positive and swift change that will address concerns of social conscience.
No matter what Mother Nature may have in store for us over the course of BIFF 2011, The Tent will serve as a warm and cozy shelter for festival-goers and activists alike. See you there!
(Thanks to RC Special Events for setting up The Tent, and to the Twisted Foundation for funding its pitching this year.)