36 Hours in Boulder – New York Times Article

The New York Times published an article recently that pretty much sums up why this is a great town.  Yet another set of reasons to submit your film to BIFF! (look here for more info:  http://biff1.com/film-makers/)

Here’s a quote and a link to the NYT article:

“It has a college-town base of 30,000 students at the University of Colorado Boulder, 45,000 acres of protected open space and 300-plus days that see the sun, with an outdoorsy populace of former Deadheads, many now business owners and endurance athletes. The resulting Boulder Bubble is an exceptionally easygoing place to hang out.”

It’s a great article, take a look:  http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/08/18/travel/what-to-do-36-hours-boulder-colorado.html?_r=0