A Talk With The Creators of Strange Weather

Producer Rachel Cohen and Director Katherine Dieckmann

Strange Weather isn’t a chick flick. It isn’t Thelma and Louise. Strange Weather is a road trip about and between two women – no, to very real people – who are processing grief. It’s also a masterpiece that has notes of color and images of the south that are an homage William Eggleston designed by the eye of the incredible Director of Photography, David Morrison.

Sitting with director Katherine Dieckmann and producer Rachel Cohen, it becomes immediately apparent this is a movie designed around reality with a focus on grief with a modern feminist edge. It isn’t a weepy “women’s film” or a “chick flick” or a “buddy-buddy road movie” things. This is a story that is designed carefully and thoughtfully to be about something more. It is unapologetically a real life depiction of choices, good ones… bad ones… ones that make up life.

Director Katherine Dieckmann noted that this film is designed to be up close and personal on purpose, “If you’re too comfortable, how interesting is that? I mean for me, I like to be made uncomfortable… and I embrace films that make me uncomfortable.”

The real brilliance of the piece may also come from Holly Hunter’s phenomenal performance in the role of Darcy Baylor. The pair spoke highly of her professionalism on set, her dedication to the material, and her complete internalization of the character. “Holly is super methodical… She has a great level of specificity about the character she is doing.” Her dedication to the performance is apparent, and Dieckmann noted that “Holly and I spent days in prep discussing every scene in the movie in detail.” 

Rachel also spoke about the films careful yet concrete quality, stating, “It is a beautiful, original, slightly left of center story that is emotionally authentic and very, very moving. People should find it and see it.”

We are honored to have shown Strange Weather here at BIFF.